Welcome to the 6th grade! Hopefully. you have already heard of the fun and engaging things we have done in math. As many of you know, from Open House, math will be completely different for you and your student this year. We are focusing on building a strong mathematical foundation that students can apply to many walks of life. A quote:

A man that knows HOW will get the job, but a man that knows WHY will be his boss. 

Many of us learned the old fashioned way, learn these steps and you will learn math. Through much research and data, we have determined that this is not really the best way to learn math. Rote memorization does not call for thinking and cannot be applied to multiple situations. Therefore, this year your student may not learn the algorithms you know. They may go about math by drawing pictures, models, or using tools they make or find in the classroom. Please be open minded and DO NOT GIVE THE ANSWERS or the "easy way" that you know. From what I have seen and experienced, the "easy way" we all know is not all that easy!

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